We don’t set targets for a particular number of community quilts to be made each year, and members contribute whatever they wish to throughout the year. Nearly all the fabric used is donated. Some quilts are worked on by several people, some arrive fully formed. We always find homes for them with regular donations to community groups, occasional donations to disaster relief efforts, occasional donations to fundraisers, and to individual requests via members.
It takes a team of people to produce such a collection, and many of the quilts are collaborative efforts. Our thanks to everyone: those who organise monthly ‘sit and sew’ days; manage the community stash, and batting supplies; store finished quilts and distribute them to their new owners; donate fabric and thread from their own stashes; help out in numerous ways during sit and sew days; and those who quilt and bind others’ quilt tops. Two of our members who are long-arm quilters regularly donate their time and skills.
We think of ourselves as quilters, but we are volunteers too, supporting community. It’s a lot of work, but has great benefits for us as well, building and sustaining skills, friendships and connections while we do something we love. Our monthly sit and sew days have much appreciated social benefits.
Here are glimpses of just 50 of those we made this year - there were more, but some escaped before we could take photos of them. Next year’s collection is underway.