Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Viewers Choice awards - 40th Anniversary Quilt Exhibition

Our 40 Anniversary Quilt Exhibition was held at the weekend 18 -19 May 2024. The exhibition is not juried or judged, and three awards were voted for viewers throughout the two days: 

  • Viewers’ Choice - quilts
  • Viewers’ Choice - members’  block challenge
  • Viewers’ Choice - Ruby Pin Cushion challenge

Our grateful thanks to all who contributed to its success: 

  • our members who entered quilts and made craft items, and decorations
  • family members and friends who helped us set-up the exhibition 
  • the exhibition sub-committee led by Helen Battellino
  • Hornsby and District Branch of CWA NSW who catered  the cafe
  • our three vendors: Sew Can I60 Stitches and Fortunes and Fairies
  • and all who came to see the displays, bought raffle tickets and shopped
Photos of the quilts and their makers are being drafted for a number of posts. You can also see them on Our Instagram and Facebook accounts - just search for ‘Fairholme Quilters’.

Viewers’ Choice - Quilts

Jeni Simmons had no idea when she posed for a photo with
her exquisite quilt, ‘Flowering Gum’ was about to be voted the
Viewers’ Choice at our 40th Anniversary
Quilt Exhibition.
Congratulations Jeni!

The prize of an Oliso iron was generously
donated by 60 Stitches

Viewers’ Choice - members’ block challenge

The members’ block challenge, ‘The Enchanted Garden’, was set by 
Roslyn Pullen, who has a plan for the blocks, to be revealed!
A full gallery of the blocks entered will be posted separately.

Susan Macintosh’s stunning block ‘Beetle Garden’ was
voted the Viewer’s Choice.
Susan fussy cut the challenge
fabric and hand appliqued her original design.
Congratulations on your award Susan, and many thanks 
for your vital contribution to the show as our Treasurer and 
electronic payments expert, teacher and manager.

‘The Enchanted Garden’

Block Challenge

The challenge:

To make a 12 1/2” x 12/12” block (unfinished)
Interpret the challenge title using your own method to create a block masterpiece.
Use at least half of the fabric square provided.

The challenge fabric is ‘Coleus’ designed by Philip Jacobs 

for the Kaffe Fassett Collective.


Viewers’ Choice - Ruby Pin Cushion

The Ruby pin cushion challenge was a way to mark our 
40th anniversary as a quilting group, with a personal 
memento we can use as we stitch. 
The challenge was broad - to make a pincushion using mostly red fabric.
A gallery of all the entries will be posted separately.

Janice Freelander’s ‘Ravishing Ruby’, a richly embroidered
wool felt pear was voted Viewer’s Choice.
Congratulation Janice, it is a beauty.

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