Sunday, September 29, 2024

‘Convicts and Soldiers - First Settlement’

Award winning quilt maker Val Nadin is a founding member and Life Member of Fairholme Quilters. She is still actively involved in the group and making beautiful quilts. We were delighted to see her timeless quilt ‘Convicts and Soldiers - First Settlement’ hanging in the special exhibition ‘Colours of Australia’ as part of the QuiltNSW 2024 Exhibition at Rosehill last week.

‘On display will be the QuiltNSW collection of quilts titled Colours of Australia. 2024 is the 30th anniversary of the first time the collection was exhibited.

The collection came to be when quiltmakers were invited by QuiltNSW to interpret the theme Colours of Australia using either traditional or contemporary techniques. A total of 170 quiltmakers from around Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom submitted quilts of which 40 were chosen for the collection. QuiltNSW

The resultant quilts are as relevant today as they were 30 years ago, a testament to the skill of their makers.’


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