Thursday, October 3, 2024

New Community Quilts

Our community quilts program progresses at its own pace, members participate when they can, sometimes quilts are donated fully finished, other times several people work on a quilt together or in sequence. Participation is entirely voluntary. It all comes together to provide a collection of quilts each year that are donated to a number of regular recipient organisations to distribute, or in response to individual requests or emergency events in local and other communities. Here are some recent contributions.

‘I Spy’ quilt made by Jenny    

Pieced backing of Jenny’s quilt.

Daphne’s raw-edged appliqué quilt.

Quilted by Janet.

Susan Mac’s ‘stack and slash’ quilt

Susan had the bias striped binding fabric languishing in her
stash, after she bought it for another project,
 but then decided not to use it. Perfect for this one.

One block left over to include in the backing.

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