International Quilt Festival in
Houston is in full swing (3 - 6 November). The prizes have been awarded - the
winning quilts can be seen online here. Stunning quilts, as expected in a juried show of this calibre.
A 10 min video 'virtual tour' is
here. On the this page's side menu you will find links to other features, like the special exhibition - so much to see!
Among the Australian quilters attending and exhibiting are
Lisa Walton from
Dyed and Gone to Heaven (her blog is
Fibre Inspirations) and
Brenda Smith from
Serendipity and the Art of the Quilt (and
Twelve by Twelve), who will provide ongoing commentary through their blogs.
Fall Quilt Market (an industry only event) has been in the same venue over the last few days - lots of blogging about new fabrics, new designs and gadgets are all over the 'blogoshpere'.
This is the description of the International Quilt Festival from their Facebook page, to give an idea of the scale of the event:
The world's largest annual quilt show, sale, and quiltmaking academy.
Founded in 1974, the fall edition of International Quilt Festival is the largest annual quilt show, sale, and quiltmaking academy in the world. Dubbed "The World's Fair of Quilts," by Southern Living Magazine, the show attracts more than 55,000 people from around the globe to Houston, Texas each year. Several thousand people participate in more than 350 classes, lectures, and special events, while close to 2,000 quilts, original cloth dolls, and art garments are featured in Festival's special exhibits. Retailers set up more than 1,000 merchant booths at the George R. Brown Convention Center.