Down Under Quilts magazine no. 137 (current issue) reports that a Guinness Book of Records attempt to create the World's Largest Hexagon Quilt is planned in Queensland, coordinated by Gail Chalker.
The planned quilt will be "in excess of 15.5 metres in length and approximately 2.5 metres in width" it will be exhibited at the Australian School of Applique (TASA) in May 2010 in Gatton, Qld, and then made into smaller quilts to be distributed to aged care facilities.
Quilters are invited to contribute hexagon rosettes., Contact Gail Chalker on 07 5462 2401 (bh) or email at gailchalker@bigpond.com for details of what is required, and how to enter.
Each participant is entered into a draw for a $250 fabric bundle.
Given the number of hexagons produced by both Fairholme groups, someone might be interested ....
Yes - I can see a home for my orphan hexagons - they will fit right in! I think Heather's would too.