Sunday, December 23, 2018

' It doesn’t all have to be done today. Or tomorrow ...'

We make a lot of quilts for community groups and charities, particularly over the last ten years when we have held regular sewing days, collected a community fabric stash, and concentrated on a small list of recipients whose needs we know. What works for us is that we don't have a quota of quilts we are obliged to meet, we make what we can in the time available, from the resources we have, in designs that we choose.  From time to time, opportunities arise that were unanticipated, and we take a detour. The last thing we want to do it to wear out our willingness and ability to sew for others as well as ourselves.

Amy Smart's blog post is a reminder to pace ourselves as quilters and volunteers:
... about sewing for charity and giving, including some lessons I’m learning about making time for giving and serving. So here are some thoughts on how to make the most of your sewing and giving for charity and how pace yourself in order to help the most people effectively. (Including yourself.) ...  Sew Goodness – thoughts on charitable sewing, Amy Smart, Diary of a Quilter, 2018

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